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Main advantages to use a mixer irrigation unit over an injector in greenhouse.

In order to make the right decision on the choice of an irrigation unit, it is necessary for the farmer to understand what the main function this irrigation unit must perform in irrigation. For example, some unscrupulous suppliers offer as an irrigation unit an in-line injector unit, but it is a direct-acting unit without mixing and stabilization of the solution, it has no mixing and aging tank, it is usually based on a simple budget irrigation controller, that often not recommended in the market of professional irrigation and fertigation with long-term use. Therefore, it does not have positive reviews and widespread use in advanced greenhouses and competent farms.

Injectors using in irrigation systems

Below you can see a few of these injectors:

Injectors for irrigation
Injectors for irrigation. (Not irrigation units)

Such in-line injector units were developed only for open fields, where there is no ideal stabilization and aging of the solution. The calculation for this unit made for large areas, water and fertilizers simply mixed in the pipeline while the process of transportation to the field is in progress. Then, the solution poured superficially on the ground and the earth is like an “equalizer”, herewith the plant takes only part of the micro elements. Such a method is economical only at first glance, it is initially attractive to buy an automated injector unit in comparison with manual irrigation. Financial losses and costs affect the farmer a little later due to the excessive costs of fertilizers and water, most importantly, the yield does not increase significantly. Therefore, the use of such in-line injector units for growing crops via individual compressed and integrated drippers on the greenhouse ground or in low-volume hydroponic system is not acceptable for greenhouse irrigation.
For better understanding, the in-line injector unit has no mixing tank is installed on the main pipeline according to the “bypass” principle. This unit has an extremely poor quality of the solution, as the solution should be inject into the main pipeline. The choice of such a unit can be determined only due the minimally simple task for irrigation, as well the simple assembly and maintenance. It does not have accuracy of management and there is the lack of data collection and entry. Probably there is no ability to connect it for professional management and remote monitoring.
Of course, such a unit does not have the ability to connect to the external temperature sensor, humidity sensor, water level sensor and the solar radiation meter, herewith it does not have control of auxiliary equipment in the general line, such as filtration or heating unit. Sometimes it has a limited number of irrigation valves without the possibility to add them. The injectors should been installed as close as possible to the inlet if the unit has a compact design, herewith too quick return leads to jumps in readings. There isn’t filtration of solution it causes clogging droppers.

The declared marking capacity of the unit is also usually overestimated, that is nominal. Unscrupulous suppliers indicate the maximum pump capacity in the name of the injector without taking into account losses for solution transporting and for pushing compensated droppers. In fact, such a unit can show less capacity at the end of the drip line, which will cause not full irrigation, that is also unacceptable when using any compensated and compressed drippers.
Actually, such injection units usually contain only one level of EC and pH control, only three metering valves, it does not have flow meters to control fertilizer dosing and do not have filters at the inlet and outlet of the solution. Thus, the farmer have to install filters later spending extra money for the irrigation network equipment. Such a unit may have a common power control board and this makes difficult maintenance. Most importantly, the seller company may not have installation experience and after-sales service.

All advantages of our company’s irrigation units

Our irrigation unit is designed for automated preparation of nutrient solution and for planning of drip irrigation in greenhouse. This equipment allows organize an individual supply of nutrient solution for individual fragments of the greenhouse according to the time of irrigation or to the flow rate of the solution.  You can optimally plan irrigation during the day using a set of programs including the intensity of solar radiation.

Liquid mineral fertilizer dosing system controlled via computer provides the preparation of fertilizer solutions with precisely nutrient concentrations. The parameters of the nutrient solution are maintained by means of a constant double measurement of electrical conductivity (EC), pH of the solution, regulation of the nutrient solution flow and irrigation water.

Besides, it is possible to control the flow of the nutrient solution. Dosage control is fully automated and the automatic change of the nutrient solution formulation is programmed by each watering during the day. The computer daily calculates total watering time and flow rate of the nutrient solution per day, irrigation time and flow rate of the solution through each valve. The unit performs daily averaging of the EC, pH and temperature parameters of the nutrient solution passed through each irrigation valve.

This data is stored for a month and is available for viewing. Our controllers can be united to one network and connected to a personal computer (PC).  You can set irrigation programs from your PC and control the irrigation process in detail at the same time as well as print reports, archives, and so on. Such an irrigation unit ensures perfect solution preparation, reliable operation and the fastest service.

Irrigation unit 100 m3/h

This unit includes a mixing tank for the preparation and stabilization of high-quality nutrient solution.

irrigation systems- unit 100 m3-h
irrigation unit 100 m3-h

• 5 dosing lines (for two crops or two pairs of nutrient solution A + B and C + D)!
• possibility of installing an additional 6th line, micro dosing for feeding fungicides!
• using a solar radiation sensor to adjust irrigation!
• significant savings in water and fertilizer!
• water control with a flow meter!
• temperature and humidity measurement!
• user friendly interface!
• nutrient solution filtering by means of an individual fine cleaning filter on each dosing line!
• filtration of the finished solution at the unit outlet is performed by a fine cleaning filter of 130 microns!
• double EC and pH control via of additionally installed 2 pairs of sensors!
• aeration: solution saturation with oxygen when supplying solution to the unit!
• solution supply is carried out by ejectors, no additional pumps are needed for each line!
• lightweight and robust installation based on stainless steel!
• the best and durable LOWARA motor
• control and remote access to the connected PC via the MONITOR software!
• control of both groups of valves at the same time or separately!
• control of the follow units: water supply unit, drainage unit (reuse of drainage), filtration unit and heating unit (high speed heat exchanger).
• service life time span is at least 10 years!
After acquiring the equipment is important to take into account its reliability and the company’s responses to its further maintenance and prompt delivery of spare parts.

Main advantages of our company:

• own work shop and equipment test stand;
• commissioning and maintenance by our engineers;
• remote Internet monitoring of systems;
• reasonable price when comparing with imported equipment analogues;
• high equipment quality and reliability;
• component parts of leading manufacturers;

• high accuracy of the set parameters;
• our equipment is certified;
• fast delivery time and efficiency;
• individual approach to each client;
• installment payment is possible;
• equipment maintenance 24 / 7 — 365;
• spare parts and accessories warehouse;

WARRANTY TIME for all equipment is 2 years!

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