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The pumping unit of water supply for greenhouse complexes produced by LABORATORY OF ENGINEERING SYSTEMS is manufactured as a serial product in the form of a ready-to-use assembly consisting of pumping equipment, control system, stop valves, piping system (collectors), control and measurement devices mounted on a common base.
The pumping units of water supply of LABORATORY OF ENGINEERING SYSTEMS are designed to increase pressure, maintain a constant pressure level or create the necessary pressure drop. They are effectively used in industrial complex systems for irrigation, in sprinkler systems and drip irrigation installations.
The unit provides constant pressure for the technological process and frees staff from the need to turn on the water pump. It allows adding water to the acid storage tank, to the growth solution preparation unit, or making reverse washing of the filtration unit regardless status of the irrigation unit.


  1. Capacity,(m3/h): 8
  2. Pumped water temperature,(°C): 0 -80
  3. Voltage,(V): 380
  4. Maximum pressure,(bar): up to 10
  5. Dimensions,(m): 0,6 х 1,2 х1,3

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