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The irrigation units for farmers are produced in the range of manufactured professional equipment for industrial greenhouses. Farmers in this case are so-called specialists owning greenhouses of up to 5000 m2. These irrigation units provide fully high-quality automatic irrigation of any plants in greenhouses. They have small dimensions, but great functionality. Such equipment allows farmers to compete in yields with large greenhouse complexes. These irrigation units do not differ from professional equipment in terms of functionality.
Irrigation unit 8 m3/h is designed for automatic preparation of nutrient solution planning and carrying out drip irrigation in greenhouses with an area of up to 0,5 hectares. The use of such equipment allows saving of fertilizers, obtaining exact dosed irrigation for each plant with guarantee parameters of electrical conductivity and acidity of the nutrient solution increasing working efficiency and as a result improving the quality and quantity of products. The software features of the system gives you opportunity  to start irrigation depending on several kinds of factors: classical timing, as well solar radiation, temperature, air or substrate humidity, etc. The computer-controlled dosing system for liquid mineral fertilizers provides the preparation of the solutions with precisely calculated nutrient concentrations.
All parameters of the nutrient solution are maintained at a set level by means of a constant electrical conductivity double measurement EC and pH of solution and regulation of the supply of growth solution and acid to water. One of the important advantages of this irrigation unit is possibility of connecting temperature and humidity sensors which in addition to the main function can control temperature and humidity regime of the greenhouse.
Wide functionality, high reliability, attractive price – all these factors make this equipment very popular for farmers. User-friendly interface and intuitive system of control allow you to master all features of the system within few hours.
It is important that the irrigation units can be connected to any personal computer, it is only required to install the «MONITOR» program. This allows you to be always aware of the processes occurring in the greenhouse without leaving home and if it necessary promptly to make adjustments.


  1. Capacity,(m 3 /h):  8
  2. Irrigation valve: up to 16
  3. Dosing channel: 5
  4. Dual EC and pH parameter measurement: equipped
  5. Correction of irrigating by solar: equipped
  6. Mixing control of drainage: equipped
  7. Dimensions,(m): 0,9 х 0,9 х1,5

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