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This disinfector is specially designed for greenhouses. Thermal sterilization is the most effective way of drainage cleaning. The principle of the disinfector is to heat the drainage water to temperature of 85-95 ˚C and to hold it at this temperature for up to 180 seconds. Then the drainage is cooled to temperature close to the original heating of incoming water. Such a long high-temperature treatment allows 99,8% of harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses’ dectruction.
Usually heating of drainage water is implemented with help of greenhouse heating systems, which makes the whole process of disinfection convenient and quite economical.
The advantageous systems’ difference from imported analogues is in the intellectual controlling function of the drainage water consumption. The one of the functionality is also possibility of automatic work with drainage storage tanks, i.e. the system is automatically turned on and off depending on the water level in the tanks.
The computer calculates daily the system’s operating time and the amount of disinfected drainage per day and also for the entire operation time. This data is stored for 10 days in the controller memory, as well as transferred to PC for unlimited storage and available for viewing. Controllers of our company can be combined into network (up to 12 controllers) and connected to PC. At the same time PC can specify the disinfection programs and the disinfection process can be controlled in detail. Reports and archives can be printed too.


  1. Capacity,(m3/h): 5
  2. Disinfectiontemperature,(˚C): 85 -90
  3. Savingtime,(s): 90 -240
  4. РHmeasurement: equipped
  5. Acidificationofsolution: equipped
  6. Powerconsumption(kW): 40/80*
  7. Dimensions,(m): 1,9 x 1,4 x2,0
    *with / without boiler

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